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You are the sum of your habits on and off the field. Your ability to move decides your velocity, your agility, your potential for injury and your bodies ability to recover.
How you take care of yourself dictates the longevity of your career.



Off Season

Recover & Balance

Balance the body for off season lifts - change patterns to discourage imbalance and compensations.

Pre Season

Prepare & Train

Show up at your best with bodywork specific to your position. 

Condition yourself to survive your training.

Mid Season

Body Maintenance

Seek and destroy knots and wear and tear that competition creates in the body.

Lengthen muscles for recovery.

"The best thing is she is always a text away. She answers any questions and gives me suggestions during the season when I am not in her area...Thanks to her my pain is gone and I know more about my body, so I can prevent future injures."

Pat Sieloff, Ottawa Senators

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